
The course pertains to the overall use of the Bible within the mission of the Church. A reminder of the fundamental nature of the Bible and its rules of interpretation. The biblical discourse of the Bible concerning ministry is examined. A consideration of the centrality and usefulness of the Bible in faith-inspired activities. A critical look at how the Bible is sometimes used in ministry contexts. Various manners and attitudes by which the Bible is received : fundamentalism, fideism, scientific scepticism. Presentation of a practical ministry project. Exploration of the field of biblical pastoral ministry : recent history, main organizations, emerging projects and future prospects.

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Faculté : Sciences de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation
Courriel :



1er cycle


En savoir plus sur les formules d'enseignement

Automne 2024

THL-2115-ZA NRC 82583

Enseignant(e)s: à venir